This Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

Cold lake

Canada is an Awesome! Wonderful! Amazing! country to live in. Now, we’re not just saying that because we’re based in Canada (okay we might be a bit biased). We truly feel this is true. Some reasons: we have a great healthcare system, a solid education system, and we’re now home to the wealthiest middle class in the world. The kindness and politeness that Canadians are generally known for, in addition to the cold weather, is something that all of us are proud of. But, no country is free of issues.

On Wednesday, October 23rd, a troubled individual shot an innocent soldier and proceeded to continue his violent act in our Parliament building, but was thankfully stopped, in a shoot-out that resulted in his death. Four days earlier, another Canadian man ran over 2 soldiers with his car, killing one and wounding the other.  Both of these attackers were identified as Muslims with possible influence from ISIL.

2 days after the attack on Parliament Hill, a mosque located in Cold Lake, Alberta was vandalized, possibly as backlash to recent events. What happened next is absolutely incredible.

When the mosque was vandalized, the windows were smashed and the words ‘Go Home’ and ‘Canada’ were spray painted on the walls.

After hearing about the vandalism, members of the Cold Lake community came together to clean up the damage left.

The community’s efforts paid off and now the mosque is free of any signs of vandalism, but new signs have appeared. Posters saying ‘You are home.’

Clean-up at vandalized mosque

Community members clean up Cold Lake mosque

This is the Canada we know and love!

-Images sourced from CTV News.


Vanaja T.

Vanaja T.

Loves seeing the world and experiencing everything it has to offer!

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