Back to School Tips: Fall Fashion 101

Back To School: Fall Fashion 101

The sun goes into hiding, the wind starts to pick up, the trees start to lose their leaves and if that wasn’t depressing enough, your bank account hits a plummet because it’s that time of year again – back to school! But just because you’re emotionally suffering doesn’t mean that your wardrobe has to suffer too. TC is here to give you cheat notes on your fall wardrobe.

1. Dark Coloured Pants

The bright coloured hipster pants really made a statement last spring and well into the summer. If you loved this look, you’ll be happy to know it’s not going anywhere.  Instead of vibrant shades lean towards the darker tones. Instead of a bright red, choose a maroon. Instead of a light green, go for a dark green.  You’ll find that these deeper colours will actually be much easier to pair with your existing wardrobe.

2. Over-sized Accessories

The motto for this fall is that bigger is better!  The most essential item this autumn is the messenger bag. Not only it is good to carry your books, but it makes for a stylish bag for all your needs. You can always go for the classic brown or if you’re following suit with the dark coloured pants, you can try darker shades of your favourite colours!

3. Vintage Anything and Everything

Now if you’re thinking that vintage is making a comeback, think again – it never went anywhere to begin with. It’s a matter of finding the right piece and the right store. Lucky for you, we have both.  From over-sized sweaters to elbow patches and old school prints, vintage clothing gives you a great chance to effortlessly be edgy and warm during this fall season.

4. Happy Feet

With the hustle and bustle all day of getting to classes, you want to be wearing comfortable shoes. That’s where flats and oxfords come in! They come in so many different colors and materials that picking any pair to wear all day is easy. Still want to keep it edgy?

Try a pair of flats with spikes on the heels or toes.They are perfect for going from all day study sessions to a pub night with your friends.Also try stylish booties, clogs or combat boots in neutral colours that can be just as functional for fall.

5. Fresh Face Makeup

Keeping up a fresh face is important, especially when you have a long day of classes ahead of you.  The key idea is to keep the make-up simple and light. First of all, moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!  Moisturizer is key in keeping your skin healthy, soft and gives us natural glow.

Nothing’s worse than coming to class looking like you were up all night, which you probably were.

To combat dark eye circles and that ‘I want my pillow look’, go for a concealer like Magic Lumi by Loreal that will make you look more fresh and radiant when you apply it under your eyes.  To that, apply mascara to your lashes, a neutral eye shadow and white liner to the water line of your eyes, which will make your eyes look bigger and brighter.  Top it off with some lip-gloss or lipstick that highlights your natural lip colour. It’s as simple as that!  In as little as 5-10 minutes, your face is ready to take on the long day ahead of you.  Bring along a darker more daring shade of eye shadow and some bold lipstick just in case you and your friends decide on a spontaneous night out.The bold lipstick is also a nice touch for class presentations.

Remember, getting ready and looking good doesn’t just happen in the closet. Here are some tips to take into consideration to stay alert and focused in addition to looking great.

  1. Hydrate!  Keep a bottle of water on you and keep it filled!  Get your hands on a reusable water bottle that is both environmentally friendly but also BPA free.  Water is essential for healthy skin!
  2. Eat Healthy.  Yes, it seems obvious but it can be difficult when you’re surrounded by fast food and you only have 10 minutes to get to your next class. However, easy and healthy snack ideas that you can carry on the go can be found in your kitchen at home. When you eat healthy, you feel healthier and feel happier.
  3. Exercise. Most campuses have gyms with decent membership fees, so why not take advantage of it?  If you’re not much of a gym person but you still want to be active, join an intramural team! It’s free and a great way to meet new people. Lastly, just take advantage of walks throughout campus during your break time. It’ll make you feel better in your own skin and your own clothes.
  4. Sleep! An obvious one but as students, we often deprive ourselves of that much needed sleep to study or do readings.  However, to function better and to think clearer we need those minimum 8 hours of sleep. Wearing a fabulous outfit with a tired face does no one any justice.

Shagana Ehamparam, Chandni Patel & Simrin Dhillon




Born and raised in the beautiful city of Toronto, Simrin recently started her career at Banga Studios as a Post Production Editing Specialist, as well as photographer. Her hope is to one day peruse photography within the fashion industry and publish a photography book as she travels the world! Aside from perusing her dream job, Simrin is a singer/song writer, adores literature and the cosmos.

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