Tamil Women Who Inspire

women who inspire

In the spirit of International Women’s Day on March 8th, we asked our readers to tell us about the women in their lives who inspire and motivate them on a daily basis, through their positive examples. Here are a few of the submissions we received:



Sumi Shan, Startup Advisor and PR lead at Microsoft Canada

“Sumi is a hustler who has worked everything from high profile political campaign trails to leading top tech professionals in the right direction. People often don’t realize the work she does because she is not one to discuss it or expect anything in return. The start up and tech industry is dominated by men but she makes it a point to inspire women entrepreneurs and help them in anyway she can.”


Renish Kamal, CEO/Founder at Fidget Toys Ltd. 


“I met Renish about a year ago and heard her amazing journey to building up Fidget Toys. It’s truly inspiring to see a Tamilwoman embracing entrepreneurship and in a space that is aiming to change the way children with autism are dealing with their day to day life. Her company Fidget Toys is creating compact devices to facilitate intuitive movement while stationary. They are focusing on designing tools and toys that alleviate stress, increase circulation and concentration for children with autism. I’d like to recognize story, humbleness, intelligence, and drive.”


Asvini Ravindran, Paws & Claws TV on YouTube
“She deserves to be highlighted because of the work she does that is not so conventional within the community here. Asvini runs Paws & Claws TV on YouTube where she talks about environmental issues and animal welfare. She recently went to Africa to work with an organization and on her free time, she rehabilitates abandoned baby squirrels.”


“She’s an amazing person who a few years ago hit rock bottom but was always loving and selfless towards everyone around her. She travelled to India and found her way spiritually, completed a teaching training course in yoga and ayurvedic massage. She’s back in the UK now and dedicated to her day job as an engineer, but still teaches yoga (for free) and conducts workshops. Really, more than anything, her presence, courage and understanding of people struggling through anything is what makes her so inspiring.”



dilani b
Dilani Bala, Visual Artist
“Dilani is a visual artist who touches on sensitive issues not often approached in the South Asian community. Her art explorers women’s sexuality and deeper issues like sexual violence and emotional trauma. “



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Tamil Culture

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