Spotlight: Music Producer Thuvee


Meet Thuvee. The recording artist started his musical journey at the age of 10 when he discovered Tamil remixes. While growing up, Thuvee would ask his dad to pick up the latest remix CDs that were released that week. The late 90s and early 2000s was when Tamils made mixes of all the songs with other songs. The first beats Thuvee ever made were to A.R. Rahman’s “Yennah Sollah Pogirai”, which then led him to start the life of a music producer.

Thuvee just released “FOREIGN” where his “Surrender” record comes from.

Thuvee works on his own due to his belief in working hard and succeeding without dependence. Everyone has his or her own paths in life, and it takes commitment to make it big in the music industry. Thuvee works with amazing vocalists and engineers who are part of his journey to help create the pieces he does. His “team” would be his family, girlfriend and friends who are always providing relentless support. He has worked with several Grammy nominated talents from project to project.

Each song is a story on its own, and Thuvee works to create vibes that resonate with him and bring it into his music. He works with EDM and is focused on whether the music makes you move.

TC: What is your first memory when you started this passion of yours?

Thuvee: It was making my first production. It was a feeling like no other. For the first time in my life, I was able to express myself completely. Nothing feels better than completing a good body of work.

Thuvee shares that the challenging aspects of his work is finding good platforms for promotion. Distribution is easy to work with; it is the marketing that is the key for any song. Thuvee’s “Surrender” music video has been featured on several mainstream blogs and has allowed for more traffic to be directed to his work.

A music producer isn’t as easy of a job as one might believe it to be. There are always false promises and uncompleted tasks by several individuals. Only when the music is complete can one rest and confirm that the project is complete. There are no shortcuts with this line of work. It takes hard work and dedication.

While pursuing his passion for creating music, Thuvee has met Jeff Crake, a Grammy nominated engineer, Danny Fernandes, the recording artist, Sickick who is a MuchMusic creator, Saieson from Super Singer and many more. It is evident that Thuvee explores all genres of music and is very open-minded.

“It’s really inspiring seeing people of different worlds and different successes take part and contribute to your vision.”

When telling his friends and family that he is a producer, Thuvee is often met with believers and non-believers. Some have looked at him as crazy for pursuing this line of work while others admire his dedication to his love for music. In the Tamil community, it is often seen that if you are not an engineer, accountant or doctor, then there is no other “viable” job that is able to support a family. Thuvee is on a path to prove to the younger generations that Tamil persons can be in the arts professionally.

“I want to make it so that when the next generation of kids tell their parents they want to be a musician, an actor or a model, they don’t get laughed at or discouraged.”

For those looking to pursue this passion of producing, be a master of your craft. Research is key in finding out how much work and dedication you need to produce music. The competition is very fierce and it is not for the faint of heart.

TC: If you weren’t creating music, what would you be doing instead or what would your life be like?

Thuvee: I can’t imagine myself not being a creative. I think the only other option would be somewhere on the management side of things. Taking an artist from obscurity to stardom. I would still be involved in the arts – just not creating it.

When Thuvee isn’t creating music, he is at home spending time with his younger sister or playing racquetball. You can see Thuvee working on a 4 track project and releasing more music videos. At the moment, he is working with Maddox Recordings and Management. In the future, he plans to work with major distribution companies. Thuvee sees himself growing from here on in and does not plan on slowing down.

Feel free to check out more of his work:
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Kaavia has a passion for helping others and bringing the right attention to talented souls. She's really bad at singing, resisting chocolate temptations, controlling her love for her puppy, instagramming and hiding her feelings. You can email her at

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